There are many different types of obsidian crystals that are available to purchase online or in stores. If you carry around some obsidian crystals with you at all times then there will be no need to worry about negative energies affecting your life because these stones will absorb everything just like a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt! Different Types of Obsidian Crystals This is why many people have them placed on their altar or wear them around their necks as an amulet to ward off bad things that might happen to someone they care about or themselves if they are away from home for too long. This type of crystal has traditionally been used for protecting one’s self from negativity by absorbing it into the obsidian stones. One way people like to use obsidian crystals when they’re doing their spiritual work such as meditation or spellwork is by placing them on the third eye chakra (or brow) area before starting your practice. It’s no wonder this rock is considered “the traveler’s stone” since it provides peace and comfort while carrying you through life with courage and confidence. This powerful gemstone has been used by many different civilizations throughout history as well as in more modern times because of its ability to provide insight into difficult situations where guidance is needed the most. It’s also a great stone for grounding and protection which is why it can be an effective protective crystal to use during astral travel, shamanic journeys or any other form of spiritual journeying. Obsidian crystals have extremely high vibrations which makes this an excellent tool when working with low vibrational things such as fear, anger, resentment, and other negative energy emotions. This powerful protective crystal has been known throughout history for its ability to provide insight into difficult situations where it’s needed the most by helping us get rid of our fears so we can overcome them once and for all. This particular stone will help you move forward in your life while letting go of any negative attachments or bad habits that are no longer serving a purpose for you. Obsidian can also be used to remove energy blocks as well as amplify spiritual energies. The most common meaning behind obsidian is protection, grounding and shielding from negativity. Obsidian crystals can have a variety of different meanings and healing properties depending on the type of obsidian. It is considered to be an “extrusive rock” as it was formed by magma that erupted out of a volcano and didn’t form underneath the earth’s surface. Obsidian is made from magma that cooled very quickly, as a result obsidian crystals have sharp edges and come in many unique shapes. The Mayans actually created mirrors made entirely out of obsidian stones where they looked into them while performing rituals and ceremonies before going off to war. They called these spears “Tlacochtli” (Obsidian). The Aztecs even created weapons out of obsidian believing they would gain power from them if they were able to slay an enemy during battle. It was once believed that obsidian could form in a single night when lightning struck the earth it also had magical powers because of this belief. It’s still being used today by many people as a grounding stone, which can help with emotional issues such as anxiety or depression. Obsidian has been around for a very long time and is one of the first rocks to be used for its healing properties. Additional Articles About Obsidian The History of Obsidian.