Jupiter consists principally of hydrogen and helium perhaps a core of silicates and ice is embedded deep within the planet. Part of the reason Jupiter became so much larger than the rocky inner planets is that it formed in a cool region of the ancient solar nebula where water ice was stable.Ģ. Jupiter, a giant gas-and ice-rich planet of the outer solar system, is the center of a system of at least 16 ice and rock satellites and a narrow ring of much smaller particles. A vast amount of data for Jupiter has been collected by several flyby spacecraft, including Pioneers 10 and 11 (19) and Voyagers 1 and 2 (1979), and from orbiting satellites Galileo (1995-2003) and Juno (2016-present). These large planets and their systems of moons and rings are especially intriguing. Besides being larger, they are composed predominantly of gas and have no solid surfaces at all. Jupiter and the rest of the giant planets (Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are fundamentally different from the rocky inner planets. The heat emitted from it may have been sufficient to drastically alter the composition of its satellites as they formed from the condensing solar nebula. As it is, Jupiter radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system if it had been about 100 times more massive, Jupiter might have evolved into a star and our solar system would have had two suns many stellar systems in our galaxy contain two or even more stars. Orbiting the Sun beyond the asteroid belt, Jupiter with its set of at least sixteen orbiting satellites is the center of a small planetary system. The giant planet has a volume 1300 times greater than the Earth, but its near-surface layers are composed mostly of gases swirling in complex patterns. Jupiter and its moons form a planetary group of incredible beauty (Figure 9.1). Chapter 9: The Jupiter System 9.0 Introduction