
Fema flood map
Fema flood map

FEMA's Map Service Center provides multiple ways to access the Flood Information. The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) have entered a new era. Goal 5: Align Risk Analysis programs and develop synergies to enhance decision making capabilities through effective risk communication and management.Goal 4: Provide an enhanced digital platform that improves management of limited Risk MAP resources, stewards information produced by Risk MAP, and improves communication and sharing of risk data and related products to all levels of government and the public.Goal 3: Lead and support state, local, and tribal communities to effectively engage in risk-based mitigation planning resulting in sustainable actions that reduce or eliminate risks to life and property from natural hazards.

fema flood map fema flood map

  • Goal 2: Ensure that a measurable increase of the public's awareness and understanding of risk management results in a measurable reduction of current and future vulnerability to flooding.
  • Goal 1: Address gaps in flood hazard data to form a solid foundation for flood risk assessments, floodplain management, and actuarial soundness of the NFIP.
  • The vision for Risk MAP is to deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property. Risk MAP builds on the flood hazard data and maps that were produced as part of the Flood Map Modernization Program. In 2009, FEMA transitioned to the Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) program. In recognition of the connection between flood mitigation, risk reduction, and reliable flood maps, the President and the US Congress provided substantial funding for Flood Map Modernization starting in Fiscal Year 2002. In 2002, South Carolina alone had over 75 communities that had not been mapped.


    Through the CTP program the SCDNR works with FEMA to update flood hazard information for all of the State's 46 counties. The State of South Carolina is committed to reducing flood risks within the State. Understanding the need for current, accurate flood maps the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources became a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1999. Throughout the years, many of these maps had become outdated, and significant areas of the country remain unmapped. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood hazard maps are one of the essential tools for flood hazard mitigation in the United States. Zone X is the area determined to be outside the 500-year flood and protected by levee from the 100-year flood.Īrea of undetermined but possible flood hazards.The citizens of the State of South Carolina face significant hazards from floods and hurricanes, and more than $7 billion in damages has occurred from flood and hurricane events in the last 25 years. Zone C may have ponding and local drainage problems that don't warrant a detailed study or designation as base floodplain. B Zones are also used to designate base floodplains of lesser hazards, such as areas protected by levees from the 100-year flood, or shallow-flooding areas with average depths of less than one foot or drainage areas less than 1 square mile.Īrea of minimal flood hazard, usually depicted on FIRMs as above the 500-year flood level. The coastal area subject to a velocity hazard (wave action) where BFEs are provided on the FIRM map.Īrea of moderate flood hazard, usually the area between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year floods. The coastal area subject to a velocity hazard (wave action) where BFEs are not determined on the FIRM map.

    fema flood map

    The base floodplain that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is in the process of being restored to provide a 100-year or greater level of flood protection. BFEs are provided.Īrea to be protected from base flood by levees or Federal Flood Protection Systems under construction. Base flood depths (feet above ground) are provided. The base floodplain with sheet flow, ponding or shallow flooding. On newer FIRMs, AE Zones are the same as A1-A30 Zones (i.e., BFEs are shown). BFEs are shown on a FEMA map that includes any of these zones. Known as numbered A Zones (e.g., A7 or A14). This is often called an unnumbered A Zone or an approximate A zone. Six types of 'A' zones are described below.īase flood elevations (BFE) are not determined. Please see the table below for explanations of these zones.

    fema flood map

    Whatever the area shown on a FEMA FIRM map, it may include several types of floodplain zones, each designated by a letter or a combination of a letter and number(s).

    Fema flood map